Call today to book for 2025, 2026, & beyond!
Varieties are available on both dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstock.
Let Summit Tree Sales take the time and labor out of the fruit tree ordering process. We work with the finest nurseries in the country to help you obtain the trees you need, all at NO cost to you!
Take our planting survey!
One question on the minds of fruit growers is, what variety should I plant? There is no obvious answer, but there is an abundance of knowledgeable and experience among growers. Use this poll to share your ideas about what you would plant if you had to plant trees in 2025, 2026, and beyond.
Farmland time machine: historic aerial views of your farm
Many fruit growing families have connections to their land going back over a century. For numerous reasons, public and private entities have used mapping, aerial [...]
New and Trending Varieties
There is never a shortage of new apple varieties, but some varieties tend to stand out for their eating quality, harvest timing, or attractive appearance. [...]
MAIA-Mitchell: A better coloring Evercrisp®
MAIA1 marketed as EverCrisp® is undoubtedly one of the best eating apples recently released. However, for MAIA grower members, one complaint has been the difficulty [...]
What’s new? Click the links below to find out more about each variety.
RedRidge™ Gala
Trending Farm Market Varieties
A Redder Evercrisp®
MN 33 cv.